August 14, 2020

Morning Flight

Hiroshi Fukumura Quintet

Since it’s now nearly morning, and Squid will soon be embarking on his return trip, how about Morning Flight
I was editing the dose on Mangelsdorff which had me in a trombone-centric state of mind
This is J Jazz from 1973
Hiroshi Fukumara was a frequent collaborator of saxophonist Sadao Watanabe
Though he’s not present on this date
Solid piano work on this cut courtesy of Hiroshi Tamura (about whom I know absolutely nothing)
Really dig the theme here
See if it doesn’t evoke looking out the window upon takeoff of an early flight

A birds-eye view of a still-waking beautiful city (like Chicago, or Rio)
Okay going to sleep now
Next time I say I’ll go one more round the button, someone please hold me to it